Vision and Metabolism

One reason why Paleo is relevant to eye health is the connection between vision and metabolic health. If you have diabetes or know someone who has it, you’re probably familiar with diabetic retinopathy: blurry or distorted vision, spots in front of your eyes, or related problems caused by long-term diabetes. It’s one of the primary causes of vision problems in adults, and it’s ultimately caused by constant and uncontrolled high blood sugar damaging blood vessels in the eye.

Not all patients with diabetes get diabetic retinopathy, but it’s a very common complication, especially among people who have had the disease for a while. And what’s more, this study found that there’s no clear cutoff for the point when complications start:

“Our results show a more gradual increase of retinopathy prevalence with [fasting blood glucose levels], and strongly suggest a continuous relationship.”

In other words, damage to the microvascular structure of the eyes doesn’t start when you officially “have diabetes;” it’s a more basic problem of consistently high blood sugar.

Diabetic retinopathy is one thing, but there’s another common diabetic eye problem: myopia, or nearsightedness. Plenty of people without diabetes have myopia, but this study found that diabetic subjects were much more likely to have myopia than the general population, and the authors concluded that being nearsighted was likely a metabolic consequence of poor blood sugar regulation. This study confirmed the association in another population.

Another connection between vision and metabolism comes from a different hormonal disease: PCOS. PCOS involves changes to the sex hormones, but it’s typically accompanied by insulin resistance and other metabolic symptoms as well. And women with PCOS also have unusually high rates of eye problems, including dry or itchy eyes. It’s not clear how PCOS causes eye problems, but the researchers pointed out that the sex hormone and insulin dysregulation problems in PCOS are related, so it may very well be both.

A third connection between high blood sugar and vision problems is the association of refined carbohydrates with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). AMD is the most common cause of vision loss in the industrialized world, and as the name suggests, it typically hits people when they’re older – it’s the most common cause of people just “losing their eyesight” as they age when there’s no other reason for the problem.

Epidemiological studies in the US and in Australia indicate that an overall Western dietary pattern is bad news, and a study that tried to tease out all the different components of diet found that a high intake of refined carbohydrates is associated with increased risk of AMD.

Put all these things together, and you end up with the conclusion thatmaintaining stable blood sugar levels and healthy insulin metabolism, plus a diet low in refined carbs, can help keep your eyes healthy especially as you age. Diabetes and PCOS are the extreme end of the scale, where we can see the chickens coming home to roost, but they point to a more basic problem with the modern diet: way too much sugar, way too many refined carbohydrates, and the damage to metabolic and sex hormones that ensues.

Micronutrients and Vision: Dietary Patterns Beat Supplements

That was the carbs; now it’s time to look at other nutrients. Surprisingly enough, Vitamin A isn’t actually all that important – it’s dangerous to have a deficiency, but most people in the industrialized world aren’t at any risk for that, and eating a huge overload isn’t likely to do any good.

Studies on AMD have found that high intake of fish/Omega-3 fats, nuts, Vitamin D, and certain carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) are associated with lower rates of the disease, but bear in mind that these are associations and don’t necessarily prove causation. Vitamin A had surprisingly little association with anything at all, and the data for Vitamins C and E were conflicting. (And in case you were wondering, they couldn’t find much at all for total fat or saturated fat)


It also seems like diet beats supplements in this case. It’s not clear, that supplements can re-create those dietary patterns (for example, there’s very little evidence that Omega-3 supplements have any of the same benefits of a dietary pattern naturally high in Omega-3 fats). There’s some evidencethat antioxidant supplements can help delay the progression of AMD once problems have already started, but studies haven’t found a preventative benefit for healthy people.

Then there’s the case of Vitamin D. This study found a relationship between low Vitamin D levels and nearsightedness, but the authors were very careful to note that it’s not totally clear whether this is an effect of the Vitamin D or sun exposure generally. In fact, there’s a fair amount of evidence that sun exposure may be good for your eyes, especially for preventing nearsightedness.

In other words, we have a bunch of potentially protective factors (Omega-3 fats, antioxidants, Vitamin D), plus evidence that they work much better as part of an overall dietary pattern and lifestyle than as isolated supplements. That’s exactly the premise of the Paleo approach: instead of continuing to eat junk food and taking a bunch of pills, embrace the bigger picture of nutrient-dense foods and healthy lifestyle patterns that provide your body with all the things it needs for good health.

Don’t Forget Lifestyle!

The importance of sun exposure for Vitamin D (and potentially for other things as well) brings up a bigger point: health isn’t just about what you eat; it’s also about the other inputs that you give your body in the form of exercise, light exposure, sleep, stress, and other factors. And it’s probably not that shocking to learn that these things also have an effect on vision. Just to name a few effects:

  • Sleep, stress management, and exercise are three powerful ways to improve your insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate metabolism regardless of what you eat.
  • Exercise outside can be a double benefit: you get the insulin-sensitizing effects and a healthy dose of sun on your skin for the Vitamin D.

It’s not that you’re going to head out for a long walk with 20/30 vision and come back with 20/20. But all of these lifestyle factors are good for eye health in the long run – not to mention everything else!

Summing it Up

Not all eye problems are caused by diet. And carrots might be very tasty, but they aren’t actually an eye-health superfood, especially not in isolation.

Instead of looking at this or that individual food, it makes more sense to look at overall dietary patterns that contribute to good eye health. A good diet for maintaining healthy vision would be…

  • One that doesn’t cause chronically high blood sugar, insulin metabolism problems, or other metabolic issues – it should be low in highly refined carbs (although not necessarily low in all carbohydrates!)
  • One that provides generous amounts of micronutrients.
  • One adequate in Omega-3 fats.

In terms of lifestyle, an eye-healthy lifestyle would include healthy sun exposure and at least some regular movement (and remember that walking is intense enough for insulin purposes). Paleo is a perfect example of a diet and lifestyle that fits this mold. It’s not the only conceivable diet that does, but it’s a great starting point.

P.S. Have a look at Paleo Restart, our 30-day program. It has the tools to let you reset your body, lose weight and start feeling great.

+ Paleo Leap Tribe is now also available. Become a member to get access to our Paleo cheat sheets, recipes, interactive tools and guides.


Improve your health and flatten your belly:

Everyone loves the convenience of simple, ready to eat snacks, but quite honestly many snacks touted as healthy are really anything but! If you are looking to improve your health and flatten your belly, make sure you avoid the below snacks at all costs!

1. Whole Wheat Crackers – Whole wheat crackers are heavily processed and are generally composed of a long list of artificial ingredients. They also contain loads of inflammation-promoting gluten, and many popular brands are also loaded with partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans fats). This even applies to 100% Whole Wheat crackers, so don’t be fooled by all the “heart healthy” health claims. Make no mistake, whole wheat crackers are a BAD choice for your health and your fatloss goals.

2. Most Protein Bars – Most protein bars are nothing more than glorified candy bars. Full of artificial, damaging ingredients, cheap protein, and loads of sugar, the vast array of protein bars on the market fail to make the cut for a healthy snack. Fortunately, BioTrust Organic Protein Bars were made to solve that problem, but we’ve got something even better for you that we’ll tell you about in just a minute.

3. Fruit Smoothies – We’re not talking about homemade fruit smoothies or delicious fat-burning smoothies made with BioTrust Low Carb protein powder, but rather the sugar-laden, syrup-derived, so-called fruit smoothies that you’ll find at your local smoothie shop. Some of them have upwards of 75 grams of sugar in a small smoothie – yikes! Is that really what you want to be putting in your body as a “healthy” snack on the go?

4. Granola Bars – Somewhere along the line we were all taught that granola bars are healthy. Why or how, I’m not sure. They’re high carb, high sugar, low protein, and fail to provide any truly “healthy” ingredients whatsoever.

That said, we aren’t going to leave you hanging there! While the above snacks are BAD news for your health and waistline, believe it or not, you can actually eat and enjoy healthy, convenient and delicious COOKIES anytime your heart desires, Here’s what I’m talking about.

breakfast is important to be healthy and fit, but I don’t have time to cook in the morning. Finding and eating healthy snacks during the day is even more of a problem — there’s just no time! What do you suggest I eat that I can grab on the go?”

Well, this is a GREAT question because protein is vitally important to eat in the morning and as part of those “in between meal” snacks. It gets your calorie-burning metabolism going and it prevents hunger and cravings throughout the day. That’s why I think you should eat what I eat anytime I’m on the run… a melt-in-your-mouth, soft and chewy BioTrust Iced Oatmeal Raisin or Chewy Chocolate Chip Protein Cookie!

Yep… it’s super simple. I just grab an individually-packaged cookie (or two) and start munching away as I rush out the door, or later in the day when I’m out and about. It really is THE perfect protein-packed breakfast (or snack anytime during the day) when you’re busy and on the move.

“But are these cookies really healthy enough to serve as an ideal fat-burning breakfast or snack—especially if I’m looking to lose fat?”

Loose Weight Fast Eating Good Food

Hi and welcome to my blog post about loosing weight fast Eating good foods; for far to long , we have heard all the weight Guru’s preaching their so called good news, well be prepared to hear the truth, and yes they will say its not your fault,and of cause its not its their’s, they try to make you buy all their junk food and swallow all their false Promises, that’s where the trouble is.

Continue reading

The 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat

Here’s EXACTLY what whole wheat bread, sugar, and vegetable oil does to the cells of your body (STOP eating these)
These foods, commonly called “healthy” by experts, the media, and even the government, are actually silently harming the health of you and your family.  But if you’ll continue reading you’re going to discover why you should eatMORE foods such as delicious butter, cream, cheese, coconut fat, avocados, and juicy steaks. If it seems odd to you, I’ll explain more in the article below…
by Mike Geary, aka ‘The Nutrition Watchdog’
Certified Nutrition Specialist, Best-Selling Author

  Aug, 21, 2015 

You often hear vague claims in the news that “sugar is bad for you” or that “wheat and gluten are bad for you“, but do you truly understand what these foods do to your insides?

Most people DON’T understand the reasons… and the fact is that some of the foods I listed in the article title above can not onlyDESTROY your hormones and metabolism, but may also CAUSE you to get heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimers, and even cancer.

Not only that, but as you’ll see below, there’s a common plant-based food that you probably eat in restaurants frequently (I bet you ate this at least ONCE in the last week), and this common plant food is proven to CAUSE heart attacks!  You’ll see what I mean as you read the article below.

We’ll also show you exactly what you need to understand to eat in a way that BOOSTS your metabolism, balances hormones, PREVENTS heart attacks, STOPS cancer from forming in your body, and assures that you NEVER get type 2 diabetes, regardless of your “bad genetics”.

So let’s get right to it…
The 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat — Yes, even “whole wheat”

There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good…
Reason #1 — Wheat causes blood sugar disruption, Glycation of your cells, increases AGING, weight gain & boosts Diabetes risk

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s clarify some simple biochemistry in your body…

The 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat — Yes, even “whole wheat”The 3 reasons you  Yes, even “whole wheat”

There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good…
Reason #1 — Wheat causes blood sugar disruption, Glycation of your cells, increases AGING, weight gain & boosts Diabetes risk

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s clarify some simple biochemistry in your body…

This deals with “glycation” in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.

So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?  This may surprise you, buthigh blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.  This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.  But this age-increasing effect is NOT just limited to diabetics.

So, let’s get back to how “whole wheat” relates to this…

Here is a little-known fact that’s often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that “whole wheat” is healthy for you… but the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar HIGHER than even pure table sugar.

In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar MORE than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing that’s documented in studies.

This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause MUCH higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.  If you don’t believe me, here’s something you should know… I ran personal blood sugar tests on myself using a blood glucometer about 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread vs eating a bowl of oatmeal, with equivalent grams of carbohydrates.

The blood sugar test results of wheat vs oatmeal:

2 slices of whole wheat toast:
45 minutes after consumption:  Blood sugar spiked from 86 fasting level to 155

1 Bowl of Oatmeal (equivalent grams of carbs to 2 slices wheat toast)
45 minutes after consumption:   Blood sugar increased from 86 fasting level to 112

As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.  Clearly, the whole wheat spiked blood sugar MUCH higher than the oatmeal, and if you don’t know, 155 is a massive blood sugar reading that will certainly contribute to faster aging if you eat wheat frequently… and most people eat wheat without even thinking about it at almost EVERY meal…Yikes!

Not only that, but the high blood sugar spikes caused by wheat also makes your body pump out more insulin which makes you pack on more body fat… Not fun at all!

These massive blood sugar spikes from eating wheat daily also cause damage over time to your blood sugar regulation system, harming your pancreas, causing insulin resistance, and eventually causing type 2 Diabetes.  I think we have a strong case against eating so-called “healthy” wheat!
Reason #2 — Gluten and other gut-damaging compounds

The topic of gluten is on fire in the media lately… But most people are confused as to whether there’s any real health risks with gluten for the average person that doesn’t have Celiac disease.

The truth is that even if you are not officially “gluten intolerant” or “gluten sensitive“, there are hundreds of published studies that indicate that gluten can cause inflammation in your digestive system, and even cause “permeability” in your gut, which can lead to a health condition that’s on the rise lately called Leaky Gut, as well as other digestive issues and autoimmune problems.

Scientists theorize that the reason gluten is causing these digestive system problems is due to the excessive hybridization of wheat over the last 50 years, which has created newly modified gluten molecules that are foreign to the human digestive system compared to the ancient wheat that humans ate for several thousand years historically, and even compared to the wheat that your grandparents ate 50+ years ago.
Reason #3 — Antinutrients and mineral blockers in wheat

The third reason that wheat is terrible for you is that it contains what’s called “antinutrients“, which are naturally occurring compounds in the wheat plant, but can cause undesirable effects in humans that eat too much of them.  One of these antinutrients is called phytates, which blocks the absorption in your body of certain minerals like zinc, iron, manganese, and calcium if you eat wheat too often.

Again, most people eat wheat with almost every meal (cereal in the morning, bread on sandwich at lunch, and pasta or bread at dinner), so this can cause a mineral deficiency in your body over time that leads to many health conditions.

Wheat has other mineral blockers and antinutrients aside from phytates, such as lectins.  Lectins are another constituent of wheat that causes gut irritation.  Yet another reason to minimize or eliminate wheat from your diet.  There’s absolutely nothing “essential” about wheat in the human diet…It simply does more harm than good…period.

Many people often ask me… “But what about the FIBER in wheat?  I thought that’s why it’s supposed to be healthy?”

Sorry, you can get ALL of the fiber you need from fruits, veggies, and nuts, without the digestive system damage and massive blood sugar issues that are caused by wheat.

Eating Raw to Health:

There are so many, topics on eating healthy foods, that it becomes a source of worry for many People who are feeling over weight, and they get so discouraged, and do nothing, Why am I saying this, because thats how I was, I’m overweight a big Middle, sticking out over my belt, and I hate going out among healthy athletes, and they try to encourage me to cook the right foods that are good for me, but goes in one ear and straight out the other ear with out change.

So what am I going to do about it, my first thought is nothing just be happy; ha ha, is that right, well Man I have news for you, and to your way of thinking its all bad; so this little small Voice was saying to me, so after giving it a lot of cheek, on why I should be able to please myself, and having a great old whinge, about it, and got to thinking and looking through my old Pictures, of how I was when younger, and full of beans running around, with mates and playing a bit of Football, and becoming apart of a football team as a Trainer, when some one needed help after getting a heavy knock on field. ( Change had to happen ).So to get back my right way of eating was a little bit twisted, and tookm me quite a while to Ajust to this new way of eating, plus it was like being on a new Journey, so it made me realise, there was a better way to have a good life, just slow down and Listen to your Inner Knower, it will show you that it is the Holy Spirit, of God wanting to Guide you on lifes right Pathway.

From here on until the rest of my Life I took a good hard look at my life, and asked myself those questions.

1. Where is all the good in this:

The good is in seeing the right path, and following it;By doing it this way you are allowing God to Direct you lifes pathway, into a better life, of eating, and living, so then we can not go wrong, as he is the creator of all good things no matter what ever we eat or goon what ever Journey, we take:

2. Living and eating the way God intended us too:

See when we look at all the food choices, out in the market place, it really looks good But how much is good for us, and how much is bad, filled with all that Processed inputbad for us. plus grown in a lot of Chemicals put into our Soil

3. Its not hard just Practice and Commonseanse Living:

And you will soon notice the difference, in your whole life, And myself I won’t be going back to eating the old way, anytime soon, as my health has changed, my libedo has improved I sleep better, and feel lot better and love life now.

Hey what you Eating/Good or Bad

Hey what you eating Man, is it good for you,is it healthy, or does it say on the front of the Packet its for you, and will make you healthy, Do you believe all those Lies we read on the Packages, I don’t for one Minute, because if it was true they would go Broke over night, Good news never sells Papers.

See I had a Stroke a few months ago Believing what People told me was good for me would make me more healthy, give me more Energy, open my Lung Capacity more and help me breathe better, big Lie again,Be very careful what you hear, and take notice of.

Now I did find out some things for myself, and yes I now put them into Practice every time I go for my morning Stroll, I warm up first, and I take it slowly and will start to speed up next Month, because, my Wife says I’m a bit over weight for my height, and yes I’m a bit over weight, I’m 6’3′ bare feet, and have a veranda overhang over my belt, but I am slowly doing something about it, my Wife has taken some before shots of me and she will take some after shots of me after 6 Months.

Rome was not built in a day and neither will my weight, come off in a day its taken me 10 years to put it all on but It won’t take that long to remove it, Oh is that what you think,I hear you thinking, well if I was to take notice of all you sticking Guru’s out there then yes it would but; But, I have full Confidence in my Nutritionist; who has taken a big Interest in my case.

Oh and by the way He is from the U S A. but you will have to guess who he is, and no Prize for guessing who he is, thanks very much , you know who you are: and we will meet in Lus-vagus later in the year to Celebrate and tell all about it. So now we know what some of the Problems cause all this over weight issues in our Societies, what can we do about it, well first of all I found with me anyway I had to work out what I wanted from my life that I have left as it was my 70th Birthday on the 7th this month, and working on building an online business starting with article Marketing, and finding out all about the markets of Affiliate Marketing.

Well I’m taking action and I’m enjoying myself doing it so far, I want to get to delivering 5 Articles a day online, looking for good Keywords to build articles around them is always a big challenge, but will get better at it in time, so yes we need to watch what we eat like plenty of fruit and vegetables, I like to eat a Bannana for breakfast with my bowl of rolled oats, no milk or sugar just a teaspoon of Honey, and hot water to bind the oats and honey and my Bannana, then graze through out the day, on greens and fish samwiches, and have a Tuna samwich, and some fruit like an Orange, or an apple. thats it no lolies, a couple of squares of dark chocklate, at supper time. thats it

Eating Raw to Health:

Eating Raw to Health:

There are so many, topics on eating healthy foods, that it becomes a source of worry for many People who are feeling over weight, and they get so discouraged, and do nothing, Why am I saying this, because thats how I was, I’m overweight a big Middle, sticking out over my belt, and I hate going out among healthy athletes, and they try to encourage me to cook the right foods that are good for me, but goes in one ear and straight out the other ear with out change.

So what am I going to do about it, my first thought is nothing just be happy; ha ha, is that right, well Man I have news for you, and to your way of thinking its all bad; so this little small Voice was saying to me, so after giving it a lot of cheek, on why I should be able to please myself, and having a great old whinge, about it, and got to thinking and looking through my old Pictures, of how I was when younger, and full of beans running around, with mates and playing a bit of Football, and becoming apart of a football team as a Trainer, when some one needed help after getting a heavy knock on field. ( Change had to happen ).

This is my Journey:

From here on until the rest of my Life I took a good hard look at my life, and asked myself these questions.

1. Where is all the good in this:

2. Living and eating the way God intended us too:

3. Without Chemicals, and Processed foods:

4 Its not hard just Practice and Commonseanse Living:

Healthy eating for better life

Healthy eating for better life

Dear Gardener,

Imagine you knew a secret about growing plants in a break-through new way… to the outside world your organic garden or farm would seem almost “magic”, Why? Because people almost never see you working in it!

While every one else works hard at planting, weeding…more weeding…, watering, fertilizing, composting,… and more and more weeding… You’re gardening from the comfort of your hammock.

What’s more… your plants grow twice as fast, and you can grow up to ten times more of them in the same area of space as your neighbours do. That means, if you’re growing lettuce, and have 10 square feet of space… your method grows as much lettuce as someone would with 100 square feet of space!

If this sounds like a dream, you may be shocked to discover that farms and home gardens like this already exist… and you can do it too.

If you want to transform your gardening, and possibly even your life forever, get a cup of tea or coffee, sit down, and spend the next 5 minutes reading this short story, this will be the most important letter you read this year, here’s why:

In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically .

The process is revolutionary because with it your plants grow 100% to 50% faster, and you can grow up to TEN times the plants in the same amount of space. How does it work? Basically, it turns normal gardening on organic super-drive as it feeds rich ALIVE natural nutrients to your plants 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

In 2006-2007, the ‘secret’ slowly started to leak out and people started catching on… converting gardens and entire commercial farms to the system.

On a recent visit to Hawaii, I discovered one family already applying this method, and its transformed their gardening, and their lives.

Using this method they grow over 4,000 pounds of organic vegetables per month with only about 3,000 square feet of space. That’s is just about the size of a well sized yard!

They are producing so much food, they can feed their family with the food they grow AND recently got USDA Organic Certification and have started to sell their produce to local markets.

Now, if you’ve read this far, and you’ve grown plants before, you might think this sounds like science-fiction. Wait till you hear this:

This one family in Hawaii spends less than 1 hour per day.

Just to compare… a normal farm that produces 4,000 of vegetables per month would need about 3-4 hours of labour per day!

The only effort involved is in this system is setting it up initially and planting, and then, it runs on auto-pilot.

Here’s just a taste of what happens on this system, and what you’ll experience when you do this yourself.

There’s no more weeding . The system removes your need for pain-staking and annoying weeding. You get more freedom and enjoyment!

No more fertilizing or soil cultivation. In fact, the whole process of nutrient delivery to your plants, which is absolutely critical, is almost completely automated. It works without you, that’s the key of this system!

No more soil pests . The need for pesticides is eliminated , which makes it that much easier for you to have amazing plants and fruit without toxic chemicals.

It grows most plants twice as fast. Plant experts are shocked when they visit these farms at how fast plants grow. For example… lettuce, which takes 60+ days to mature, takes only about 29 days with this system.

You use up to 70% less Energy than conventional gardening!

All these things normally take up 90% of your time and effort and are hard work. This system takes them completely out of the equation, which is why with a home system you spend only minutes in daily maintenance, instead of hours.

Now wait… this sounds way too good to be true. It’s the opposite of everything gardening and farming is about. There’s got to be a fault somewhere, right?

People who see this ask this question all the time: “Where’s the fault? What’s the catch?”

However, the more you look at it, the more you realize that it’s actually the result of the what happens when you build something in balance with nature.

Here’s the secret how and why this works:  if you would like to know more the click on the following link and go to the home page to learn more you will be very excited like i was when, I did so and it gave me so much head start in putting it all together very cheaply, the best Money I ever spent and got a return on my small investment, many times over the best product I’ve ever brought, just goes to show you can’t tell a book or Product just by thinking but need to take action make it happen and I’m pleased I did thank you so much for this opportunity to live healthy.

How to Lose Lower Belly Fat

How to Lose Lower Belly Fat

A person with unsightly belly fat many times just feels awful about the way their body looks, and many of them wish they could learn how to lose lower belly fat safely and easily. Many of these people do not even want to get out in public, let alone take their shirt off at the beach or the swimming pool because of the way they look.

Belly fat has always been an issue for many people and many times crunches and sit-ups just do not work for some people as they do for others. People in the world today are constantly looking for ways on how to lose lower belly fat for good, by trying weight loss pills, going to the gym and doing crunches and sit-ups until their stomach hurts. In addition, most people cannot even do crunches or sit-ups; because their body will not allow them to, because of some form of disability they may posses.

On the other hand, some weight loss programs provide you with a full video for a man or a woman on how to lose lower belly fat quick and easy, without all the diet pills and countless hours at the gym doing crunches and sit-ups.

In addition, the programs will teach you proper eating habits that will provide you with tasty meals that the whole family will enjoy. You owe it to yourself to try these programs, and forget about the way you look and feel better at the end of the day, and you will not appear stressed out all the time about the way you look. You will actually be happy with the way you look, so good luck to you and enjoy your new look, by getting rid of that unsightly belly fat that has been hanging around for years.

With The weight loss Programs, you are able to do away with crunches and sit-ups forever, also you will never again have to worry about the side effects of those bogus fat burning pills that do nothing for you then cause you more problems. Moreover, no more long hours performing cardiovascular workouts, that leave you exhausted and in pain at the end of the day. Once you learn how to lose lower belly fat, you will feel better about yourself and want to show your body off as much as possible, then tell others how to lose lower belly fat and got in the best shape of your life.

The Fat Burning Furnace Program is a proven program on how to lose lower belly fat safe and effectively, if you do not trust what has been, said here simply have a look for yourself.

There are testimonials to read, also there is a story about how the developer of Fat Burning Furnace and his wife actually lost pounds and inches using The Fat Burning Furnace Method.

Moreover, if you are looking to get a strong sexy midsection, and have become interested on how to lose lower belly fat you are, headed in the right direction when you visit the <a href=”recommends/fbf.php”>Fat Burning Furnace</a> site.

Here’s the secret how and why this works:

Imagine you knew a secret about growing plants in a break-through new way… to the outside world your organic garden or farm would seem almost “magic”, Why? Because people almost never see you working in it!
While every one else works hard at planting, weeding…more weeding…, watering, fertilizing, composting,… and more and more weeding… You’re gardening from the comfort of your hammock.
What’s more… your plants grow twice as fast, and you can grow up to ten times more of them in the same area of space as your neighbours do. That means, if you’re growing lettuce, and have 10 square feet of space… your method grows as much lettuce as someone would with 100 square feet of space!
If this sounds like a dream, you may be shocked to discover that farms and home gardens like this already exist… and you can do it too.
If you want to transform your gardening, and possibly even your life forever, get a cup of tea or coffee, sit down, and spend the next 5 minutes reading this short story, this will be the most important letter you read this year, here’s why:
In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically .
The process is revolutionary because with it your plants grow 100% to 50% faster, and you can grow up to TEN times the plants in the same amount of space. How does it work? Basically, it turns normal gardening on organic super-drive as it feeds rich ALIVE natural nutrients to your plants 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
In 2006-2007, the ‘secret’ slowly started to leak out and people started catching on… converting gardens and entire commercial farms to the system.
On a recent visit to Hawaii, I discovered one family already applying this method, and its transformed their gardening, and their lives.
Using this method they grow over 4,000 pounds of organic vegetables per month… with only about 3,000 square feet of space. That’s is just about the size of a well sized yard!
They are producing so much food, they can feed their family with the food they grow AND recently got USDA Organic Certification and have started to sell their produce to local markets.
Now, if you’ve read this far, and you’ve grown plants before, you might think this sounds like science-fiction. Wait till you hear this:
This one family in Hawaii spends less than 1 hour per day.
Just to compare… a normal farm that produces 4,000 of vegetables per month would need about 3-4 hours of labour per day!
The only effort involved is in this system is setting it up initially and planting, and then, it runs on auto-pilot.
Here’s just a taste of what happens on this system, and what you’ll experience when you do this yourself.
There’s no more weeding . The system removes your need for pain-staking and annoying weeding. You get more freedom and enjoyment!
No more fertilizing or soil cultivation. In fact, the whole process of nutrient delivery to your plants, which is absolutely critical, is almost completely automated. It works without you, that’s the key of this system!
No more soil pests . The need for pesticides is eliminated , which makes it that much easier for you to have amazing plants and fruit without toxic chemicals.
It grows most plants twice as fast. Plant experts are shocked when they visit these farms at how fast plants grow. For example… lettuce, which takes 60+ days to mature, takes only about 29 days with this system.
You use up to 70% less Energy than conventional gardening!
All these things normally take up 90% of your time and effort and are hard work. This system takes them completely out of the equation, which is why with a home system you spend only minutes in daily maintenance, instead of hours.
Now wait… this sounds way too good to be true. It’s the opposite of everything gardening and farming is about. There’s got to be a fault somewhere, right?
People who see this ask this question all the time: “Where’s the fault? What’s the catch?”
However, the more you look at it, the more you realize that it’s actually the result of the what happens when you build something in balance with nature.
Here’s the secret how and why this works:  if you would like to know more the click on the following link and go to the home page to learn more you will be very excited like i was when, I did so and it gave me so much head start in putting it all together very cheaply, the best Money I ever spent and got a return on my small investment, many times over the best product I’ve ever brought, just goes to show you can’t tell a book or Product just by thinking but need to take action make it happen and I’m pleased I did thank you so much for this opportunity to live healthy.